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The student news site of Nerinx Hall High School

Nerinx Hallways

The student news site of Nerinx Hall High School

Nerinx Hallways

The student news site of Nerinx Hall High School

Nerinx Hallways

This bracelet was handed out before the assembly the the clubs that led the assembly.

Delight in Diversity

Claire Capelli, Features Editor February 27, 2017

On the day before the Inauguration, Nerinx Hall students, faculty, and staff took to the EAC for the annual Peace and Justice and Diversity Assembly. Due to rising racial tensions across the United States,...

Wellness Assembly: "It Can Happen to Anyone"

Wellness Assembly: “It Can Happen to Anyone”

Julia Budd, Reporter February 24, 2017

Fact: People who drink alcohol by the time they are fourteen years old are four times more likely to become addicted than people who wait until they are twenty-one. On Thursday, January 12, Brandon Costerison,...

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