Bigger Than A Bracelet

Bea Doheny, Junior Business Major at Mizzou

If you have ever wanted to have the universe at your fingertips, or rather on your wrist, Bea Doheny, a former Nerinx alumna, has you covered. Setting out to combine her love of astronomy and the arts, Bea launched a line of jewelry, known as AstronoBEAds, on Earth Day 2016. The collection of jewelry allows customers to choose from six different pieces, but of course, the number is continuously growing.

Bea Doheny did not only want her customers to have a piece of the universe constantly on their wrists, but she also wants her business to support organizations that discuss climate change, world hunger, and space exploration. These interests undoubtedly stem from Nerinx Hall’s brilliant science program and the Loretto values instilled in each student to enrich and empower her world. After contacting Doheny, she shared one of her biggest influences at Nerinx Hall: “Definitely Sister Eileen. She is so passionate about astronomy! I had her freshman year in physics and senior year in astronomy. I loved hearing her perspective about all the mysteries in the universe!”. She actually created her first solar system bracelet during her senior year at Nerinx, and gave them out to her friends as graduation gifts with a little note. It read, “Whenever you look at your bracelet, remember you’re out of this world!”, spreading positivity from the very beginning.

In addition to sending hundreds of accessories all across the world, Doheny also worked with One Million Cups, a national program for entrepreneurs. The program spread the word on AstronoBAEds, and Bea’s determination to help the world one bracelet at a time. When asked about how to use her bracelets practically and impractically, Doheny commented, “It’s a fabulous tool for pointing out the planets with people, and it’s super stylish.” Bea Doheny has found a way to make learning both fun and effective.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this mini empire is its social media platform. Doheny has utilized Instagram and Youtube to share her designs with the world. She often posts colorful photographs of customers wearing her jewelry from all around the globe. The AstronoBEAds’ team has also hosted giveaways on its Instagram to engage and treat their customers. Doheny also maintains a Youtube channel to keep her followers updated on new arrivals to the online store.

Nerinx Hall has inspired thousands of young women. Yet, it is what these young women to do with this empowerment that truly proves the power Nerinx. The junior business major at Mizzou and former Nerinx student is a prime example of what encouraging young women can do for the future. Hopefully, Doheny will continue to carry on her profound message of support and diversity as her business continues to grow alongside her.