Press Release: Stress Busters


source: Morning show

Hi, Markers!


Stressed about exams? Luckily, Nerinx Hall’s Stress Busters week has you covered! Next week, December 10th-14th, is dedicated to helping students decompress their anxieties about exam week.


Various Nerinx clubs like animal rescue, knitting club, fitness club, mindful meditations, and campus ministry will be sponsoring activities designed to help you chill out and have fun.


Last year’s events included free ice cream, stress dogs, hot chocolate, yoga, and more! This year Nerinx is having puppy therapy, yoga, cookies, guided meditation, a gym activity, a dance party, hot chocolate, and coloring.


We hope you have a stress free exam week! Remember, winter break is only a few weeks away! Good luck to everyone and happy holidays!