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The student news site of Nerinx Hall High School

Nerinx Hallways

The student news site of Nerinx Hall High School

Nerinx Hallways

The student news site of Nerinx Hall High School

Nerinx Hallways

Save The Date: Good News from 2020

Save The Date: Good News from 2020

Caroline Keefe and Nora O’Connor, Writers May 20, 2021

2020 will surely go down in history as one of the worst years ever. People grappled with a pandemic, worried about the United States presidential election, and feared the dreaded murder hornets. Practically...

A Fully Remote Experience: School from Behind a Screen

A Fully Remote Experience: School from Behind a Screen

Sarah Ann Drebes, Writer May 20, 2021

Isolation and quarantine are words that have become so regular and “normal” in the past year. Some of us had probably never heard the word quarantine before, and now it has become a dreaded word that...

Edward Abbey's Desert Solitaire (published by Simon & Schuster)

A Review of “Desert Solitaire”

Carmen Johnson, Writer May 20, 2021

“Despite its clarity and simplicity, however, the desert wears at the same time, paradoxically, a veil of mystery. Motionless and silent it evokes in us an elusive hint of something unknown, unknowable,...

“Alumnae Advice on College”

“Alumnae Advice on College”

Marie Prindiville, Writer May 20, 2021

College: a word that, pandemic or not, can easily stress out the average senior and junior. Time and time again this happens, but what advice could they get to help with all the stress. Whether you’re...

The Rising Cost of Fake News and How You can Fight It

The Rising Cost of Fake News and How You can Fight It

Maya Neufeld-Wall and Molly Schrock March 13, 2019

Where do you get your news? The New York Times? Wall Street Journal? Maybe Buzzfeed, or the latest Instagram updates? More than likely, for younger generations the latter seem more familiar. In recent...

source: Morning show

Press Release: Stress Busters

Laura Smith and Theresa Sholy December 7, 2018

Hi, Markers!   Stressed about exams? Luckily, Nerinx Hall’s Stress Busters week has you covered! Next week, December 10th-14th, is dedicated to helping students decompress their anxieties...

Photographer: Cela Cashel

Spotlight: Maddy Herries

Maya Martin November 2, 2018

Founded around 1990, the Loretto Volunteer Program matches volunteers with social justice organizations to complete a year of service. The volunteers live in communal housing, and through the work performed...

Photographer: Cela Cashel

Can Nerinx Get Greener?

Halle Jackson November 2, 2018

Nerinx bleeds green. Sports games, spirit days, and the everyday uniform all show that the school is filled to the brim with green and white. But is Nerinx green in the sense of “going green” for the...

Photographer: Cela Cashel

New Year, New Library

Theresa Sholy, Editor-in-Chief November 2, 2018

With every new school year comes much excitement: a new freshman class, beginning of the year welcome traditions such as Hey Day, catching up with friends, and more. However, this school year in particular...

Photographer: Cela Cashel

New Phone Policy, Who Dis?

Maya Neufeld-Wall November 2, 2018

A new year at Nerinx Hall brings many new changes, one of which is relaxed rules on cell phone usage during the school day. Students can now have their phones out during contact period and during all lunches...

Photographer: Cela Cashel

Senior Traditions

Halle Jackson November 2, 2018

As long as the Class of 2019 has been at Nerinx, they have been excitedly awaiting senior year. The opportunity to be the leaders of the school, anchor the morning show, and participate in countless other...

Photographer: Cela Cashel

What You Need to Know About the Midterms

November 2, 2018

 “Sure, I would vote, but I don’t know enough about the candidates...” Have you ever heard this excuse before, or even used it yourself? Midterm elections are swiftly approaching, set for November...

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